This API presents a RESTful interface that allows you to:
- Create new Inspections
Add respondent data to an Inspection by:
- Creating a Batch to hold the respondent data
- Adding respondent data to the Batch in one or more requests to the API
- Begin the analysis of the Batch
- Optionally query for the status of the analysis of the Batch
- Query for a link to the Inspection
- Query for resources used by or related to Inspections
Base address
The base address for interactions with this API is
For example, a query to the Languages resource would use the URL
Security and authentication
This API supports secure (https) connections only.
The starting point for interactions with this API is a POST to the Sessions resource to obtain an
authentication or
authorization token.
The bearerToken value can be used in a header whose key is
"authorization". This token does not expire, but will become invalid
if the user's credentials change.
Alternatively, the authenticationToken value can be used in a header whose key is
"authentication". This token will expire when 30 minutes elapse
between requests to this API using the token.
Getting started
The CX Inspector API Swagger documentation supports interactive use of this API.
Alternatively, the Postman app available at
is a convenient tool to use for interactive experimentation with this API.
API | Description |
POST Analyze |
Analyze comments as a synchronous operation.
The comments will be analyzed and the results returned in the response message.
Neither the comments nor the text analytics results are persisted on the Ascribe servers.
You may optionally specify a Rule Set to provide your own processing logic, and/or a Taxonomy to
group topics.
If you do not specify a Taxonomy the topics will be automatically grouped, but this is effective
only if the number of topics found is fairly large. Hence the auto grouping is useful only if
you submit a large number of comments to analyze, or a smaller number of lengthly comments.
Manages batches of responses to add and analyze in an Inspection.
API | Description |
GET Batches/{InspectionKey}/{BatchKey} |
Get the current status of a Batch.
The StatusCode value in the response will be one of:
- 0: NotFound - The requested batch does not exist.
- 1: Empty - No respondents have yet been added to the Batch.
- 2: Waiting - The Batch is awaiting additional respondents or start of the analysis.
- 3: Analyzing - Analysis has started and is not yet complete.
- 4: Success - Analysis has completed successfully.
- 5: Failure - Analysis has completed unsuccessfully.
POST Batches/{InspectionKey}/new |
Create a new Batch for an Inspection.
The Batch holds respondent data to be submitted for analysis.
Store respondent data in the Batch with one or more POSTs to batches/respondents, then start the analysis with a POST to batches/analyze.
POST Batches/analyze |
Start the analysis of a Batch.
The Batch must contain at least one respondent.
This method adds the data in the Batch to the Inspection, and starts text analysis of the specified variables.
POST Batches/respondents |
Add respondent data to a Batch.
Use this operation one or more times to add respondent data to the Batch.
You must add at least one respondent to the Batch before you can start the analysis of the Batch.
The maximum request length to this API is 16 MBytes, so if you are adding a large number of respondents
you should use this operation multiple times with only as many respondents in each request as will ensure
that the maximum request length is not exceeded.
Exports inspections into Excel
API | Description |
POST Exports/start |
Starts an export of an inspection to Excel.
GET Exports/{TaskStatusKey} |
Retrieves the current status of an export and if applicable, a URL to download the Excel document
This resource supports queries for the findings in an Inspection.
API | Description |
GET Findings/{InspectionKey} |
Gets information about the findings in an Inspection.
Because an Inspection may contain a very large number of findings they are returned one partition at a time.
Each partition contains a number of findings that allow for a manageable payload size.
To retrieve all of the findings in an Inspection, first use this operation to retrieve the number of topic and sentiment partitions in the Inspection,
then query for each partition using the
GET /Findings/Topics/{PartitionIndex} and
GET /Findings/Sentiment/{PartitionIndex}
GET Findings/{InspectionKey}/Topics/{PartitionIndex} |
Get a partition of topic findings.
Because an Inspection can contain a very large number of findings, this API returns findings by "partition".
The number of partitions is obtained by GET /Findings/{InspectionKey}
To obtain all of the findings, perform this GET operation repeatedly, iterating from 0 to the number of topic partitions - 1.
This operation returns findings from the topic analysis only. To retrieve the sentiment findings, use the
GET /Findings/{InspectionKey}/Sentiment/{PartitionIndex}
GET Findings/{InspectionKey}/Sentiment/{PartitionIndex} |
Get a partition of sentiment findings.
Because an Inspection can contain a very large number of findings, this API returns findings by "partition".
The number of partitions is obtained by GET /Findings/{InspectionKey}
To obtain all of the findings, perform this GET operation repeatedly, iterating from 0 to the number of sentiment partitions - 1.
This operation returns findings from the sentiment analysis only. To retrieve the topic findings, use the
GET /Findings/{InspectionKey}/Topics/{PartitionIndex}
This resource supports queries for the properties of Inspections, and the creation of new Inspections.
API | Description |
GET Inspections |
List the available Inspections.
Returns a list of the properties of all Inspections that are available to the API user.
Inspections are available to the owner of the Inspection only, unless the Inspection is marked as Public.
GET Inspections/{InspectionKey} |
Get the properties of a single Inspection.
POST Inspections |
Create a new Inspection.
The owner of the new Inspection will be the user credentialed for this API session.
This resource supports retrieval of links to Inspections. A link is a URI to a read-only interactive view of the Inspection.
API | Description |
GET Links/{InspectionKey} |
Gets a link for the specified Inspection.
Anyone in possession of a link returned by this operation can view the Inspection in read-only fashion.
This resource provides information about the available Rule Sets and their associated identifiers.
API | Description |
GET RuleSets |
Get the available Rule Sets
This resource allows creation of a new session for interactions with this API.
A POST to this resource is the starting point for all interactions with the API.
API | Description |
POST Sessions |
Create a new session for interaction with this API
The credentialed user must have Adminstrator privilege in Ascribe.
The response message contains two tokens, one of which must be passed in a header for all other operations with this API.
You may either use the bearerToken or the authenticationToken. Either send a header with key "authentication" and value the authenticationToken returned in this response,
or send a header with key "Authorization" and value the bearerToken returned in this response.
The bearerToken does not expire, but will become invalid if the user's credentials change.
The authenticationToken remains valid until no request is sent to this API using the authenticationToken for 30 minutes.
This resource provides information about the available Taxonomies and their associated identifiers.
API | Description |
GET Taxonomies |
Get the available Taxonomies
GET Taxonomies/{TaxonomyKey} |
Get the details of a single Taxonomy
This resource provides information about the users defined in the current account and their associated keys.
API | Description |
GET Users |
Get all Users
This resource supports queries for the variables in an Inspection.
API | Description |
GET Variables/{InspectionKey} |
Get the variables in an Inspection.
The variable keys returned in this operation may be used to associate the ID of each variable key returned
from the Findings resource.