This resource provides information about Codebooks.
API | Description |
GET Codebooks/{CodebookKey}?tree={tree} |
Get a Codebook by its key
GET Codebooks/Question/{QuestionKey}?tree={tree} |
Get the Codebook for a Question
POST Codebooks/{QuestionKey} |
Create a new Codebook for a Question
POST Codebooks/{CodebookKey}/codes |
Add codes to a codebook
This resource provides information about Companies.
Companies may be used to organize Studies by the company for which the coding work is being performed.
API | Description |
GET Companies |
Get a list of Companies
POST Companies |
Create a new Company
This resource provides information about the Studies in the Ascribe account of the current session.
API | Description |
GET Exports |
Gets a list of all available for current account and all global scripts
POST Exports |
Creates a new export job
GET Exports/{jobKey} |
Returns status information of specified job
This resource provides information about the Languages which can be used for translating.
API | Description |
GET Languages |
Returns the languages supported for translation
This resource allows queries for the Questions in a Study, and allows creation of new Questions in a Study.
API | Description |
GET Questions/{StudyKey}?types={types}&tasks={tasks} |
Get the Questions in a Study
POST Questions/AutoCode/{QuestionKey} |
AutoCodes Responses in the specified Question
POST Questions/{StudyKey} |
Create a new Question in the specified Study
POST Questions/Translate |
Translate Responses in a Question
POST Questions/Codebook/{questionKey}/{codebookKey} |
Set a codebook for some specified question
This resource allows addition of new Responses to a Question,
and queries for Responses in a Question, including the Codes applied to those Responses.
API | Description |
GET Responses/{QuestionKey}?includeText={includeText}&status={status}&codedAfter={codedAfter}&codedBefore={codedBefore}&loadedAfter={loadedAfter}&loadedBefore={loadedBefore} |
Get the Responses in the specified Question
POST Responses/{QuestionKey} |
Add Responses to a Question
PUT Responses/{QuestionKey} |
Add or update Responses in the specified Question
This resource provides information about the available Rule Sets and their associated identifiers.
API | Description |
GET RuleSets |
Get the available Rule Sets
This resource allows creation of a new session for interactions with this API. A POST to this resource is the starting point for all interactions with the API.
API | Description |
POST Sessions |
Create a new session for interaction with this API
This resource provides information about the Studies in the Ascribe account of the current session.
API | Description |
GET Studies/{StudyKey} |
Get a Study
POST Studies/Translate |
Translate all Responses in a Study
GET Studies?idFilter={idFilter}&statusMask={statusMask}&clientCompanyKey={clientCompanyKey} |
Get all Studies
POST Studies |
Create a new Study
This resource provides information about the available Taxonomies and their associated identifiers.
API | Description |
GET Taxonomies |
Get the available Taxonomies
GET Taxonomies/{TaxonomyKey} |
Get the details of a single Taxonomy
This resource provides information about the users defined in the current account and their associated keys.
API | Description |
GET Users |
Get all Users